Monday, May 14, 2012

Star Wars Arcade!

This is so awesome I want to wear two of them at the same time. Maybe sew another one up for some pants.
Star Wars Arcade Star Wars Arcade
To fully appreciate this amazing shirt and its vectors of vectors, you must activate your mind's time machine and go back to your favorite arcade, circa 1983. Grab your quarters because you're going to hop into the cockpit of the Star Wars arcade game and play Red Five, piloting his X-wing fighter in the fight against Darth Vader and his TIE fighters. Can you make the Death Star explode like a 4th of July fireworks show? And can you do it before your mom tells you you have to get home and do your homework? The fate of the universe hangs in the balance. Star Wars Arcade hand-screened on a black, 100% cotton t-shirt.

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